It's Girl Scout Cookie Time!
Yes, I sing that in my head over and over again to the tune of "Ta Ra Ra Boom De-Ay" all the time, this time of year. I think that helps me save my sanity. Maybe it asserts my insanity. Hmm...
For the past few weeks, I've been wearing my Girl Scout Mom/Troop Leader hat underneath (or alongside) my Crafty Insomniac hat. I've seen it done. Spongebob Squarepants wore two Krusty Krab hats side-by-side at the same time before! I've been helping Miss Sassypants sell her cookies to family and friends since sales started on January 4th. Well, as of last night initial sales ended and we entered our troop's orders into the system. Now we wait.
On February 13th, the second phase of the Cookie Madness begins: Cookie Delivery. We'll line up at the armory, awaiting our turn to load up our SUVs and minivans with cases and cases of cookies... hundreds of them! Our troop's will make a temporary stop in my garage, where we will sort them out by girl; and the order (nay, DEMAND) goes out to troop parents that they are picked up that very evening! Number One, I don't want all of these cookies in my home, and Number Two, I do not want to deal with Mr. Sunshine when he comes home from work to a garage filled with cookies and he is unable to park out of the elements. No-Thank-You!
The 14th... Valentine's Day. I'll be spending it in a cold garage, sorting out Sassy's orders for her customers. It's worth it to get them out of my house and delivered ASAP, because two days later...
COOKIE BOOTHS BEGIN! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
Every weekend for five weeks, standing (mostly) outside of stores, trying to corral my Brownies and Juniors, setting up our jazzy cookie table and peddling our wares. It's tons of fun...
Why do I do it? Well, Sass sets a high goal for herself every year. Girl Scouts offers some pretty awesome incentives for their high sellers. Two years ago it was an iPod Touch - she earned it (at age six). Last year it was a $150 American Girl gift card - she earned it. This year... this year it's a Nook. And she really wants it! Honestly... she puts in the work! Oh, and then there's that one other thing. I love that girl!!!