Tuesday, February 19, 2013

I'm a Survivor!!

With all of my bad humor, sickness and general grumpiness, I'm on the other side to say that yes, I survived.
The first weekend of Girl Scout Cookie Booths.

We started Saturday, mid-morning with an impromptu/non-scheduled booth at Michaels Arts & Crafts.  After I clearly overdid it with the hauling cases with my bronchitis, I took it easy for the beginning.  My co-leader came and loaded up the cookies and Miss Sassypants and started out.  By the time I made my way there, we had two girls, both of us leaders and a pretty good start on our cookie sales.  It was cold out, but we were in the sun.  With a few hitches, breaks and snacks to keep it all going, we made it from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. before packing it in.  Sass and I headed home to take in some dinner with Daddy, then we were back out to another booth at Lowe's for two more hours.  At least this one was out of the wind!

Saturday was another day.  We started at a very light, very slow booth at a store called Party Time.  It was two hours, three girls, but the great part was that it was indoors and warm!  So what if they only sold 21 boxes between the three of them??

After we got home, Sassy and I got comfortable and I hunkered down to count down all of the money and separate all of the cookie counts for the girls so I could enter them into the system.  Suddenly, I get a call from my co-leader that the troop who was at Sam's Club was leaving early and offered us their spot.  Well, Sam's is a prime selling location that you really can't turn down, so we packed back up, bundled back up and were back out the door.  We may have frozen our rear ends off, but Sass sold 85 boxes of cookies, all on her own, in the span of less than two hours!

Yeah.  It was fourteen degrees and windy as all heck!

We took Monday off.  We really needed it!  We spent a little bit of the afternoon after Daddy left for work out in the garage with the space heater, sorting the rest of Sass's pre-orders out, bagging them up, separating them by delivery location and then boxing and weighing the orders that need to be mailed.  That was the extent of cookies for Presidents' Day.

Today was back to school, and after school we had a booth at the mall.  Sassy had her Religious Ed class, so right after I dropped her off I headed there to help with that; then I picked her up from class and she finished off that booth with her sister Girl Scouts.  

Let me just say...  all of the loot - cookies, money box, etc. - are still in my vehicle, safe in the garage.  I can't face them tonight!  

At least I have a day off from booths until Thursday after school...  Shoot me.

1 comment:

  1. Seriously, I don't know how y'all do it... the whole cookie sales thing makes what we nutjob sports Mamas do look like cake. Mmm. Cake.

    Way to go Sassypants! Good first weekend!
